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Donation from ShareGift

Updated: Nov 7, 2024

We are pleased to announce that we have been fortunate to receive a donation of £1000 from the ShareGift organisation!

ShareGift is a unique charity specialising in accepting donations of shares, particularly small holdings of shares which are not worth selling on their own. These holdings are aggregated, sold, and the proceeds used to make donations to a wide range of other UK registered charities, based on the suggestions of our donors and supporters.  ShareGift has donated over £50million to more than 3,500 charities since its launch in 1996.

A supporter of Happy Home had some shares which were donated to ShareGift with the suggestion that Happy Home Kenya Trust might be considered for a donation from their funds. Thankfully ShareGift accepted this suggestion and we received the donation at the beginning of October.

If you would like to know more about ShareGift and how you could make use of its services, then please visit 


For prayer:

Please give thanks for this gracious donation.

Please give thanks for the ShareGift organisation and the work that they do to help other charities.


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