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Latest news from Kenya (November 2022)

This is the latest update from the chairman (James) of the Kenyan Trustees.

James confirmed that all was well with himself and his family and everything was going smoothly at Happy Home with the children, the staff and his fellow trustees.

He said that although parts of Kenya were experiencing severe drought, in the west they were managing. The water storage tanks on the site are nearly full and though the bore hole was only providing a 'small' flow of water it is supplementing their supply of drinking water. James declared that whilst the crops are struggling they hope to get a small harvest of beans.

As for the children they are all doing well and are settled back at school.

For prayer:

James asks us though to pray for Class 8 who will be taking the Kenyan Certificate of Education over a three day period beginning Monday 28th November.

Also to pray for Grade 6 who will be going up to Form 1. Their exams begin on 30th November and go on for two weeks.

And finally, to pray for all Secondary School pupils who will be taking their 'O Levels' over a three week period, the last of which takes place on 23rd December. (Not a lot of time to get back to Happy Home or to their Guardian Families!)


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