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Riots in the Capital

Updated: Dec 31, 2023

(Sky News)

July saw rioting in Kenya’s capital of Nairobi. The cause of this was over the ever-increasing costs of basic food items, which have made them far too expensive for Nairobi’s poor.

Though the price of basic foodstuffs is high in most parts of Kenya, the kind of rioting seen in Nairobi thankfully did not spread to Kenya’s rural areas, including Nandi District where Happy Home is sited.

The severe drought from 2020-2023 that was affecting northern areas of Kenya up around the border with Sudan and Somalia has been replaced by severe flooding in November and December. Thankfully, again Western Kenya avoided the worst of this unpredictable weather. The long rains in April and May were sufficient to enable happy Home to achieve a modest harvest of their staple diet of Maize and Beans in September

(first published October 2023 and updated December 2023)


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