We offer our thanks to God for David and Ann Harris, who have served on the trustee board since 2003 and have retired from those active roles at the end fo the year. David and Ann personally visited Happy Home a number of times during their tenure. The wealth of experience which they willingly and enthusiastically shared when appropriate was immense. We pray blessing on them as they continue to support HHKT from outside the board. Since 2016, in fact, David has been the chair of the trustee board. We will miss them both greatly and hope to hear from them occasionally and will continue to pray for them.
We are also blessed that John Lewis a trustee with HHKT for a number of years and with a wealth of earlier experience from social care in Suffolk County Council has agreed to take on the role of chair with Happy Home. The David and Ann duo will be a difficult act to follow, but with Gods help and our support John will bring his own character and skills to bear in this important role.
The news goes on! After 12 years, our treasurer, David Westcott, will be standing down early in 2024. David has been meticulous and thorough, keeping all the numbers organised. However, he has carried out this responsibility out with a great and generous heart. We are so grateful for his approach and the hours and hours he has spent over the years carrying out his role and working with others to ensure the transfers, the lifeblood for the home and children, take place as quickly and efficiently as possible. We’re so grateful to David and to his family for allowing him to utilise his time in this role. We pray blessing on him and his family as he focuses more time elsewhere (including family, and his love of full size, real steam engines!
Earlier this year we also said farewell to Lyn Reeve, who for personal reasons has stepped back from being on the Board of Trustees, here in the UK. Lyn has been a faithful and devoted member of the Trustee Body for many years and remains an active supporter of the trust. We thank her sincerely for her service.
But God continues on and has provided Chris Lacey as trustee and treasurer. Chris has over a decade of experience in the international development sector, having lived in Colombia and the Caribbean, working for grassroots Christian NGOs. He is currently Chief Technology Officer for Christian Aid, based in London. Chris and family attend Burlington Baptist Church in Ipswich, alongside two of our other trustees, from where he’s heard a good amount about HHKT over the years. He was on a field trip with Christian Aid to Kisumu in Kenya (about 20 miles away from Happy Home) when he saw the Email notice come in seeking new trustees… which he took as a sign from above! He’s excited about connecting with such an impactful, local organisation and serving in any way he can.
If as a supporter, you feel as though you would like to get more involved with the work of Happy Home, either as a potential trustee or because you have expertise in an area or field that you think we could make use of, then please contact us via the contact form here
(Updated at the end of December 2023.)
